Golden Piglet
Archive for July, 2007
Author: googlemanOK! It must be the summer weather, for we FINALLY figured out who the winner is…and BOY (and do I mean BOY!) was it close! One of the things that the father enjoys are statistics, so let me break it down (for him)…
# of entries: 16 (total prize pool of $160)
gender: 4 entries selected BOY
weight: 6lbs. 10oz. (Grandma Souza guessed the exact weight!)
height: 52cm (Uncle Scotty guessed the closest height of 49cm)
eyes: Majority chose the color BROWN (but on some days, Zariyan’s
eyes are Olive Green)
D.O.B: 3 entries selected the EXACT date of March 21, 2007
time: 6:52am (Madoka was the closest entry with 6:43am!)
looks: This question is still up in the air so it was void
hair: Majority chose YES (that there would be hair)
When the final tabulations were counted, Madoka was the outright winner with 5 winning entries!
Congratulations to Madoka and for everyone who participated and I look forward to the next baby pool!