Golden Piglet
Archive for May, 2007
Thank You to Everyone!
Author: MommyHello our dear family and friends,
You must have thought that we went missing in the beautiful islands of Hawaii. . . almost!
Greetings from the Z Clan! By now most of you know that his name is Zariyan and NOT Zoro. .. .that was just an April Fools Joke, but we realized that individuals didn’t read the whole post.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your wonderful gifts of good wishes, blessings, and Baby supplies. We promise to acknowledge your generosity one by one as we make time in between all that is happening. I have also begun returning calls at the same time so thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
Also, our apologies for not posting for so long, especially from me. It’s been quite the experience balancing Zariyan, the Company, and Life in general.
I gotta tell you. . . Life is GREAT with Baby Z. He has been such a wonderful blessing to us all. So patient while we work. Sleeps very well. Eats extremely well, but what did we expect, he IS a PIGLET!
He is now 8 1/2 weeks old, over 10 pounds and getting taller by the day. Last week he just started to learn how to smile and laugh at least once a day. Trying desperately to talk, but it still comes out as a soft cry. Oh, he is also very, very stubborn (hmmm, wonder who he takes after?). Knows what he wants and will forge forward to get it too.
Is he spoiled yet? Of course. . . what do you expect. So many people around him, playing with him, giving him so much attention. Everyone from friends, our team, our vendors at the market. We are so blessed.
We are finally posting new photos!!! We are also posting answers to some of your comments, so check it all out.
Love to you all. We miss you and hope to see you or meet up with you very soon!

I’m Growing Up Sooooooooooooooo FAST!
Author: PigletCasting Call for Baby Z
Author: MommyThis was literally Zariyan’s first Casting!
He had no choice but to get the Part. What a “Ham”.
This was quite the production. It took a total of 1.5 hours of being STILL. He did move and you can actually see it on the Cast as it comes out like little mounds here and there.
Now he will be able to not only see, but feel how big he stretched out his mama’s belly when he was nestled inside.
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