Golden Piglet
Archive for February, 2007
They say… “Beyond Indigo”…
Author: Dad… I say “Beyond the Matrix”…
So in a fast pased world where you are surounded by electronics, screens and gagetries… what will the children of the future be capable of? For those who don’t know about my Super Learning techiques, I can almost guarantee this little piglet is going to have a few new tricks to teach ol’daddy.
Most of you aren’t able to hang around at the office with us on a day-to-day basis, so I thought I’d take a quick photo to show you what we look at when we wake up and just before we go to sleep.
You’ll notice that our little one will be surrounded by other little piggies everwhere he/she goes.
On that note, I’m off to catch a few quick winks, as they tell me they’ll be my last. hahahah

Gift Registry – Diapers!
Author: MommyOkay all you thoughtful individuals who have been concerned with why I haven’t posted anything on DIAPERS on the Gift Registery!
Well it’s taken us some time to research what we may want to use for the little Piglet.
So far it comes down to the following:
These are the newest, and coolest disposable Diapers on the market. They are Biodegrable and flushable, not saying that I will be flushing them of course.
Yippy! Finally a disposable diaper that is better on for this planet.
They are available online at, and in some local stores, but you would need to check the site for locations. They also have the coolest Diaper covers too!
Then for home use:
We did look into the only diaper service in town. (there is a funny popup that tries to install itself if you go here, just say no)
There is an account set up under my name. . . my real name of course.
I hope this is correct as my trusted assistant did so much of the research and contacting!
Thank you again to those whom are sharing their wonderful advice, experience, and knowledge to this new adventure!
Latest Stats
Author: PigletOink, Oink, Everyone!
Is everyone having a fun start to MY YEAR!!! There is going to be a lot of us Golden Piggies running around this year, so be ready!
So Mommy Porky saw the Doc today and we have both gained a little more weight.
Weight : 130 lbs, that’s an extra pound per week since we last posted.
Waist : 36 inches. . .STILL, hmmmmm, I guess I’m just taking on all the weight in here.
I just love it in here. I don’t really like to kick like other kids, I prefer to be doing those Yoga Poses. Yup, Yoga poses! I try to see how long I can hold a pose for, like Mommy. Now and then she makes me stop though, and massages me to my curled up position. She tends to jump now and then when I stretch out in my inverted head stands. She says that it’s a little uncomfortable when my feet are in her rib cage and my hands are pushing hard on her pelvic bones. heheheheheeee. .. .Oh well, I still try though! I think it’s fun to make her jump.
I love it when she Salsa’s. I get tossed around all over the place. It makes me soooo happy and giggly, it’s like being tickled all over.
Well, that’s it for now. I think it’s time to get some sleep. Mommy and Daddy has been working long hours still, but they are just getting ready to take me to paradise. Yippy!
Can’t wait to meet you all soon!
STATISTICS: A Visit to the Doctor
Author: MommyOink,
Oink! Piglet’s Mommy here,
So before you decide what your answers are for the Baby Pool, we thought we would help you out by giving you some the latest stats that might help you make better decisions. The team here gets to see us everyday so we want to make this pool as equal as possible.
Here are the stats from our first visit to the our wonderful Doc Dwight, to our latest visit on Tuesday, February 13th.
First Visit: October 2nd, 2006
* 116 LBS
PIGLET at 16 weeks
* 160 Heart Rate (beats per minute)
* Ultrasound should 4 days larger than average
Latest Visit: February 13th, 2007
* 128 LBS
* Waist measurement : 36 inches (Before Piglet, it was 24 inches)
PIGLET at 34 weeks
* 145 Heart Rate
* Weight based on Ultrasounds measurements : 2,200 Grams or 4.84 lbs
For those of you who need to visually see what Piglet looks like, we’ve included a few photos to help you get an idea of just how big I’m carrying and of course the Yoga Tree Pose with hands in Prayer Position is dedicate to Aunty Megster for teaching us that we can balance anywhere and anytime in life.
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Okaaaay. . . . Now you all have equal chance of winning the Pool. Have FUN and we will keep you posted as the time draws near.
Oink and Out!
Mommy Porky
Baby Registry – Let the Fun Begin…
Author: DadOkay, okay, okay… It’s Dad here with a quick update. Where should I start….? Am I ready for a baby? Uhh too late for that question…
Call me crazy but when work is play and play is work, why not create an entire web site dedicated to your unborn child. 😉
The other day we went shopping for baby stuff and I can sum it in three words… “OUT OF CONTROL”. Yikes! And something tells me we ain’t even started yet. There’s a voice in the back of my head that keeps whispering “20+ years” over and over again.
So we did two stores in two days for a total of 13 hours of non-stop baby shopping (and I got my education while we were at it.)
Mommy and I wanted to keep everything low key, but because our staff and friends keep getting at us to setup a baby registry it was necessary.
This is by no means manditory, but if you are one of those who would like to contribute in some way, please head on over to one of the two locations (web sites) where we have setup our Registry. – Click here to View – Click here to View
Now, we spent many hours talking with experienced mothers and sales people to make the choices around Brands, Styles, and even Colors on nearly every single product, so although the above stores are not necessarily the only place you can find these products, if you do want to go price shopping either locally or online, please be sure to find a correct match to the one in our Registry. Thanks 🙂 …heaven forbid we end up with a blue diaper bag instead of the red one… but seriously… we are both very creative parents when it comes to colors and styles it likely took some negotiating on one side or the other to come to our decisions.
… and if anyone has any questions about Baby Monitors… I spent about an hour goin over every single feature of about 11 different brand names and 17 types so I’m now considered an expert on the subject. I even spent some time helping other moms in the store to choose one that was right for their house pending on the size, number of rooms and how many people in their family.
In case you don’t buy the item from either of the Registry stores / sites, can you please come back to this post and simply make a comment letting us (and more importantly everyone else) know which product(s) you have purchased so we can cross them off the registry. Thanks.
Also, this means you will need to click on the comments link just below this post and to the right to check what someone else might have already purchased before your shopping finger gets too happy.
1) Click the “READ COMMENTS” link. Then insert your NAME and e-mail address on top of COMMENT so we know who got what (your email won’t be published publicly).
2) Describe the items you purchased in as much detail as necessary. Then, click on SUBMIT COMMENT.
*Once you click on SUBMIT COMMENT, you cannot go back and change your answers!*
Time to Join the Baby Pool!
Author: googlemanHey ya’ll! Alrighty, let’s see what we got here… first of all, my name is “Googleman” and I’ll be your freindly host for this FIRST EVER Baby Pool for CSM and SS! Now, for starters, the entry fee will be $10 (that’s $1 per question). I shall post the INSTRUCTIONS on the next post…. until then, take care and hope everyone will have FUN with the baby pool!
Here are the Questions! (Finally!)
Author: Dad
OK, here it is…what everyone has been waiting for! The questions that will ultimately reward you with a lot of $$$ (well, of course, 50% of the pool money proceeds goes to the newborn college fund foundation…just wanted to add that lil disclaimer!)
In any event, here are the:
Terms / Conditions:
1) Each person ONLY has one entry per baby! (not unless we discover that there’s twins or triplets! ; – )
2) The questions that involve a guess with “numbers”, the person closest to the EXACT number (or decimal point) with the most number of accurate questions will be the unanimous winner and will receive 50% of the total money collected in the pool.
1) Highlight ALL 10 Questions and right click on mouse and select “Copy”.
2) Click on “READ COMMENTS” button and PASTE the Questions in the space provided. Also, insert your NAME and e-mail address on top of COMMENT so that I can get in touch with you if you’re a WINNER! 🙂
3) Insert your answer after each question. Then, click on SUBMIT COMMENT.
*Once you click on SUBMIT COMMENT, you cannot go back and change your answers!*
1) $10 ($1 per question) If in case there’s a TIE, the pool $ will be divided amongst the people who answered CORRECTLY.
2. WEIGHT (decimals apply) i.e 7lbs.,2oz
3. HEIGHT (in centimeters)
4. COLOR OF EYES (One Color ONLY!)
5. DATE OF BIRTH (i.e 3/1/07)
6. TIME OF BIRTH AND AM/PM (minutes apply – i.e 7:27pm)
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE AND BE PREPARED FOR ANOTHER MOUTH TO FEED IN ‘DA HOUSE! (sorry Elbert, but your portions of food need to be decreased!)
- SPECIAL NOTE: Please be aware that this blog does not specifically directly mention the names of the parents for various reasons, please follow along and refrain from using their names in your comments. Thank you kindly.
Author: googlemanOk, I’m back with several instrustions…
First of all, since there will be many participants all over the world that are wanting to enter this FIRST EVER baby pool for CSM and SS, I am setting up a PayPal account that will hold the pool money ($$) for the duration until the contest is over (uh, that’s when she delivers her baby piglet of course).
; – )
Place Your Bet Above then Make Payment Here:
OPTION 1: – Use this PayPal Button and follow the instructions.
1) Fill in Payment For as “Golden Piglet Pool”
2) Fill in Price as $10
3) Put in your Paypal email / password (or use a credit card)
OPTION 2: First you must log into:
(if you do not have an account, please register for one, it’s easy to signup and best of all, it’s FREE!) Once you are logged into your PayPal account follow these simple instructions. (hey, if Piglet can do it, so can you.)
Also, the deadline is March 9th – whenever the piggy pops out, so please please please get your entries in as soon as possible. My next post entry will have the terms and questions!